Why would a Transgender female regret doing so?


I came across one article the other day about a male transgender to female who regretted doing it. He didn't give much details as to why he's regretting his decision to become a transgender. What do you think would cause one who transgendered to regret his decision?
Some of those who regret their decision of becoming a Transgender are lied to when they were young about not being in their right body. At such a young is when they need to perform all the necessary surgical procedure needed to change one's sex.
I came across one article the other day about a male transgender to female who regretted doing it. He didn't give much details as to why he's regretting his decision to become a transgender. What do you think would cause one who transgendered to regret his decision?
I saw the video too. He didn't give much details but there's much to that video. Maybe he's regretting why he changed and every other things he enjoyed as man is not there anymore for enjoyment.
I find that those who are transgender who end up regretting it after they have transitioned are the ones who were pushed into transitioning by someone they knew like a friend or a family member.

It's a shame we have people like that who push people to be someone they are not.
They have to live with the consequences of their actions. Personally, I don't feel any sorry or pity for them except for the one's who are kids when either their parents or teachers did an evil impact in their thinking.
They have to live with the consequences of their actions. Personally, I don't feel any sorry or pity for them except for the one's who are kids when either their parents or teachers did an evil impact in their thinking.
Sometimes, I am always wondering why a parent will give a consent for their kid to be change from what they are born to another thing. Everybody should be wise enough to choose what they want and not do things because others are doing them.
Some people are just so confused in life they don't know their left from their right. Also, the society is so twisted it makes things more complicating. It's why a man would wake up tomorrow saying he feels like being trapped in a man's body because he feel like a women. This is pure madness!!!