Supporting my partner who suffers depression

My partner has depression and until recently he was taking medication which really helped him. It helped smooth out the bumps in his moods. In the last 3 months he made a decision himself to stop taking the medication and only told me (his partner of 14 years) after 2 months. I asked him to go back on the medication as his work is extremely stressful right now. He said he would but he hasn't and I am noticing the moods coming back, slowly but I really notice them. He doesn't see it at all and if I say anything it ends up being my imagination or my fault or that I'm being over sensitive. What do I do. I feel helpless and feel like either he will snap under the strain or it will wreck our already strained relationship. We have 3 small children so I am fighting to keep the relationship to a tolerable level but I fell out of love with him because of his illness. It was undiagnosed for at least 5 years. Help. What do I do?????
My partner has depression and until recently he was taking medication which really helped him. It helped smooth out the bumps in his moods. In the last 3 months he made a decision himself to stop taking the medication and only told me (his partner of 14 years) after 2 months. I asked him to go back on the medication as his work is extremely stressful right now. He said he would but he hasn't and I am noticing the moods coming back, slowly but I really notice them. He doesn't see it at all and if I say anything it ends up being my imagination or my fault or that I'm being over sensitive. What do I do. I feel helpless and feel like either he will snap under the strain or it will wreck our already strained relationship. We have 3 small children so I am fighting to keep the relationship to a tolerable level but I fell out of love with him because of his illness. It was undiagnosed for at least 5 years. Help. What do I do?????

Tôi nhớ mãi những ngày còn đi học
Nhớ cô thầy và nhớ mái trường xưa
Công ơn kia biết nói mấy cho vừa
Vì hạnh phúc con em mà khổ nhọc ...

Nơi đẹp nhất cuộc đời là trường học
Cô với thầy phải khóc nhọc dắt dìu
Có nhiều khi ngồi suy nghĩ đăm chiêu
Tìm phương cách để cháu con mở trí

Chúng con trẻ nên rất lười suy nghĩ
Tuổi hoa niên thường ôm lấy cuộc đời
Vẫy tay chào niềm hoan lạc đón mời
Mà quên chuyện, làm thầy cô phiền muộn

Con tha thiết xin thầy cô thông cảm
Đời học trò ngắn chẳng đầy gang
Trông chớp mắt chỉ còn là kỷ niệm
Rất mong manh và nhẹ tựa mây ngàn

Xin tha thứ bởi người xưa còn "bỉnh chúc"
Chúng con vui vì bởi sợ ngày mai
Bước ra trường là những tháng năm dài
Thu lá úa hoặc mùa đông rét mướt

Những năm cuối chúng con nguyện tiến bước
Để đáp đền trong muôn một ơn sâu
Chẳng buông xuôi như nước chảy dưới cầu
Để xứng đáng với những tấm lòng cao quý

Ngày hôm nay chúng con nguyện ghi nhớ
Ngày trọng đại thiêng liêng nhất cuộc đời
Công thầy cô ôi cao cả tuyệt vời
Như ánh sáng mặt trời khi ló rạng

Nếu mai kia cuộc đời con xán lạn
Đó cũng nhờ công đức của thầy cô
Ân sâu này xin mang tận xuống đáy mồ
Xin cô thầy nhận "chân tình tha thiết nhất!"

( Lê Trần Hiếu)


Nếu kiến thức là một thế giới mênh mông, thì thầy cô là người mở rộng cánh cửa đưa ta đến chân trời bao la ấy.
Nếu mỗi cuộc đời là một cánh diều thì thầy cô là ngọn gió nâng những cánh diều bay cao...
Cám ơn thầy, cô đã suốt đời tận tuỵ!Xem thêm


When you are in a relationship and your partner is suffering from depression, it is always going to affect you in a very negative way but if you have good faith in your partner, you are always going to support him or her in a way that is going to help the person recover from that depression. I know that is not easy for you but you will have to keep on going and don't give up on your partner.
It is very important that whenever you are suffering from depression that you make your partner understand exactly what you're passing through because it is the only way your partner will be able to support and help you. But if you keep everything he didn't from your partner he or she will start thinking that you have another thing that is going on in your life which you don't want to share with him or her.
My partner has depression and until recently he was taking medication which really helped him. It helped smooth out the bumps in his moods. In the last 3 months he made a decision himself to stop taking the medication and only told me (his partner of 14 years) after 2 months. I asked him to go back on the medication as his work is extremely stressful right now. He said he would but he hasn't and I am noticing the moods coming back, slowly but I really notice them. He doesn't see it at all and if I say anything it ends up being my imagination or my fault or that I'm being over sensitive. What do I do. I feel helpless and feel like either he will snap under the strain or it will wreck our already strained relationship. We have 3 small children so I am fighting to keep the relationship to a tolerable level but I fell out of love with him because of his illness. It was undiagnosed for at least 5 years. Help. What do I do?????
Your partner needs to be very committed to getting treatment because it is the only way he can be able to beat the depression that he's passing through but if it happens that he doesn't want to get help I think you should be more concerned about yourself.
The first time is to get them talking, a gentle and soothing words can do that. They might not know what they are doing but as a good partner that have them in mind, you persuade them to take medication and see a therapist. It will go a long way in helping them.

Hiding your problem form your partner will only bring assumptions and which can lead to heated argument between both. Supporting your partner when they are depressed will help them to heal fastly.
It is your duty to support your partner who is suffering from depression because no other person is going to do it for you. The only people who can help out are your partner's family members.
I'm not in any relationship as it is but I would support and be by my partner's side when she's depressed until she's perfectly well.
What your partner needs now is love and reassurance. Be there for them, engage them and keep them busy with their favorite activities.
Abandoning your partner in this stage is never going to show how much you love them. It's why showing them how much you love and care for them is very important now.