Thoughts on Transgenders?


If you can't relate and or hate your own gender, then please, by all means do the surgery and become the opposite gender, but don't preach onto others your lifestyle, and don't use it to abuse others either. I've seen pretty viral transgendered people on social media personally. So yeah.
For me, as long as they keep their madness to themselves, mind their own businesses and never interfere into my business, they can live as long as they please. I wouldn't give a crap about them.
I really don't have any issues with how anyone chooses to behave but the truth remains you can be friends or pretend to be friends with a Certain class of people when you ain't genuinely friends with them.

I just try to show love at all point to whomever needs it.
Trans is a very sensitive topic in the world today. To be very honest with you, I don't really understand them one bit but hey, I'm not going to get involved with how they want to live their lives.
Trans is a very sensitive topic in the world today. To be very honest with you, I don't really understand them one bit but hey, I'm not going to get involved with how they want to live their lives.
They are set of people with mental health problems. There's no mentally and physically good human being that would be interested in taking on sex change to become a Transgender.