Older People thinking they're still young and attractive!


I've met some much older people (all sexual and romantic orientations, all cultural/religious backgrounds, from all walks of life, men and women) thinking they're still young and beautiful/handsome. I think they still think they're in their 20-30ties. For instance, a neighbour of mine has had a crush on me and he's 83-84 years old with a wife and great-grandkids. Some other people about 70 thinking they could attract me is laughable and ridiculous. When in fact, they wear glasses, dentures, are very old, fat and very ugly. I don't know, I think they must be some narcissistic kind people.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's only you that can determine if you are attracted or not to such people. On the other hand, they have the discretion to look at you with either love or lust in their eyes.