Divorce and Depression?


So one of my best female friend is recently divorced, she's going through a rough patch with her autistic teenage son, and her husband is giving her hell in a battle for custody for their kids. If marriage means nothing nowadays, why do you still marry and have kids? I know a divorce is a very challenging situation for anyone, male or female. I truly empathize and sympathize with single parents, both single moms and dads. It's easy raising a kid, it's certainly not easy raising them alone. Her boss is also telling her to quit her job because of her divorce. I don't understand the discrimination against divorcees, life is truly rough and difficult for them. I'm doing my best to support her in her ordeal, but she's seeing a therapist/psychiatrist and is taking medication so yeah. Divorce can lead to suicide ideation, suicidal depression, alcohol and substance abuse and etc.
Marital conflicts can definitely drive an individual into depression, the home is w place to feel loved and cared for once there is conflicts you only hiding place becomes a constant cause of pain and sorrow to you.

I really advice people not to jump into marriage Because everyone is getting married but be well aware of what yuh want out of your marriage and if you can be able to spend the rest of your life with the person you choose to marry.

I hope your friend finds solace and long lasting happiness again.
Divorce is a horrible thing and I think it should be avoided at all costs. However, though, when you have situations of abuse, abandonment, and just outright disloyalty, what is there to do? Well, if both partners are "out of the relationship" it can be done, but if one loves the other other, it can be painful, of course.
I hope to never find myself in a relationship in my marriage where divorce would be the last resort. It's going to be damaging to myself and my kids because it's a very bad experience to tear a family apart.
I hope to never find myself in a relationship in my marriage where divorce would be the last resort. It's going to be damaging to myself and my kids because it's a very bad experience to tear a family apart.
Yeah, but I had the government coming in take my kid and my wife blames me for it. It's one one of the worst situations to be in.

Well, it wasn't my total fault. There was negligence on my part.