BP_Manic New to TD


New member
:D Hi, as suggested, I figured I would introduce myself; I do not use my real name for many different reason - you probably understand. Anyway call me BP_Manic or "E".

I am unemployed, I have been off/on for over 2 years now. I work here/there temping but, I can not find permanent employment. This last job was a full-time position and could have been permanent, although, it did not work out. I felt extremely ashamed and humiliated when I was let go/laid-off. It was 2 days after I informed them that I consider myself disabled and covered under the Disability Act.:confused: I have considered filing a claim-whenever I get my butt into gear I will.

Since the end of December, I have been depressed:(.. Most of my adult life I've have been BiPolar II, for the most part, compliant and taking my meds but, continue to have highs/lows for short/long periods of time. As best as I can, I try to take care of myself, yet, this time is very different... it feels like a "life changing" situation: a "mid-life crisis".

Hence, my reaching out to the community and others like me:o... I have two children, an adult son, 26+ and a teenage daughter, 15+, neither of them are living with me right now.

I started a blog and will try to get to it more often; I actively on Twitter @BP_Manic and AIM IM @ PB_Manic777. My blog website is in my TD profile.

I hope to make some connection and chat with peeps on TD. Please look me up. Until then, trying to keep my head up... E
[email protected]
Hi BP, welcome to the site. Get your butt into gear and sue this company. Job discrimination against people with disabilities is illegal. If you have a disability and are qualified to do a job, the ADA protects you from job discrimination on the basis of your disability. Contact the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. A charge of discrimination generally must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination.

I am happy to see that instead of sitting back and letting depression take over your life you are actively doing something to find a way to overcome your feelings and find others experiencing the same.