Search results

  1. Ryder

    Have being in debt caused you depression?

    No, I don't have any debt to pay anyone and not even my credit card too. I'm 100% debt free. I don't know what it feels like to be in a serious debt. It have never made me to be depressed.
  2. Ryder

    Taken advantage of by therapist?

    Have you found yourself in a situation where your therapist took advantage of your vulnerable state because you're depressed? What let to that happening? How were you able to bring yourself out of such situation?
  3. Ryder

    Do you think some therapists charge way too much?

    They ought to charge based on their expertise. The most important thing is for them to know what they are doing and never take advantage of their patient.
  4. Ryder

    What causes depression

    A lot of things can be the cause of depression for someone. My rich uncle is currently depressed today because of his wayward kids. They are breaking his heart every day.
  5. Ryder

    Do the rich also get depressed?

    My uncle is a very rich man and he's currently admitted in the hospital because he's suffering from critical depression. Why is he being depressed when he's rich?
  6. Ryder

    How do most depressed people commit suicide?

    Most people I know to have ended it because of their depression all used pills to overdose. It have been a very long time I saw anyone hanged themselves or used a gun to kill themselves.
  7. Ryder

    Toxic Friends, anyone?

    I treat others exactly the same way they treated me without any remorse. If you treat me well, I will treat you better. If you treat me bad, I'm going to make sure you're treated worse.
  8. Ryder

    Ever Been Suicidal?

    No, I've never had the thought to kill myself and I will never feel that way in my life by God's grace. I know such a feeling is from the pit of hell and pray God keep me far away from it.
  9. Ryder

    Alcohol and Depression - The Vicious Circle

    My brother is currently suffering from the same problem since he's been depressed. It's even more serious with his drinking of alcoholic beverages. If he doesn't stop it, that will cause him more immediate damage than his depression.
  10. Ryder

    Do you think depression ever goes away?

    It doesn't go away easily. It takes time. It's like treating someone from madness. It's not a health challenge which goes over a short period of time but with the right treatment and therapy, it's possible to go 100%.
  11. Ryder

    My brother can't quit alcohol in his depression

    How can someone who's been depressed for a long time and still addicted to drinking alcoholic beverages stop drinking? His depression caused him to start drinking, since then he can't stop. How can we help him to stop drinking first in order to focus on treating his depression?
  12. Ryder

    Can lack of sleep cause depression?

    I have been suffering from lack of sleep for weeks now and it's making me feel uncomfortable. I don't want anything that will make me start having depression. I don't know if having less sleep at night for a long time will cause someone depression?
  13. Ryder

    Does music help you feel better?

    Yes, I love music so much. It helps to reduce my mental stress and relax my nerves. This is why I play music at all times but it's always going to be a soothing song.
  14. Ryder

    Have you found medications helpful, or do you rely more on therapy?

    It depends on what you're battling with. There are some mental health issues which only therapy wouldn't be able to solve. You will need both meds and therapy to solve it.
  15. Ryder

    Stressful Jobs, anyone?

    Your health comes first before work because if you drop dead tomorrow, they will have you replacement immediately at your office place. You did the right thing for yourself. Look for another better job.
  16. Ryder

    6 Years Anniversary!

    We are all proud of you @Naiwen A lot of people are not lucky to solve and win their mental health battles but you did it. It's not easy. Keep a clean head and mind. It's going to help you keep being better.
  17. Ryder

    Greetings from Ryder

    Greetings everyone. I'm Ryder. I'm happy to join this community. Mental health is very important, it's why I joined this forum immediately I came across it. I want to become better and also help others who are struggling with their mental health too.