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  1. Ezra

    Does music help you feel better?

    True. Those songs which contain vulgar lyrics and a lot of curse words isn't healthy to listen to because it rots someone's brain if they are not careful.
  2. Ezra

    Alcohol and Depression - The Vicious Circle

    I would choose drinking when I'm depressed over doing drugs. Drugs is the very worst. It can make the person become suicidal as quickly as possible.
  3. Ezra

    Do you think depression ever goes away?

    I haven't seen who recovered 100% from depression. I've seen those who got better but all traces of depression wasn't gone completely. They only became better at managing they depression.
  4. Ezra

    6 Years Anniversary!

    Happy anniversary my dear. I'm happy to hear how you managed to get better from being depressed. I hope your success story encourage others to never give up.
  5. Ezra

    How do most depressed people commit suicide?

    Depression is a killer if it becomes very bad. If you come across anyone who's battling with depression, offer any kind of help within your budget might to help the person.
  6. Ezra

    The Oldest Person to fall in Love with you?

    The oldest person I've been in a relationship with was 7 years older than me. It's not about the age gap but how such person treats you. I had the best relationship with her.
  7. Ezra

    What if a spouse is depressed?

    Show them love! It's the only way to help them more than you think because they are feeling so empty without your love. You're doing right by your hubby. I hope he's feeling better now?
  8. Ezra

    Is there enough awareness in schools for mental health among children and teenagers?

    No, I don't think there is. I've heard some teachers say kids are not suffering from depression, why would they be depressed? This steams out from big ignorance.
  9. Ezra

    Ezra joins!

    Howdy friends! I'm Ezra. I'm thrilled to become a member of this community. Depression is bad. Anyone who's never been depressed will never know how dark that hole is. I pray others never experience it.