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  1. Shortie

    Kids and Depression?

    Sometimes people can want kids, and be excited to have children but can be hit with things such as post-natal depression. This is something that is common and doesn't happen because they had kids they didn't want but because having kids can be emotionally overwhelming.
  2. Shortie

    Rich spoiled Brats!

    I have met and even gone to school with children in the past who had rich parents, thought they were better than everyone else and could never do any wrong. A lot of the time I feel those who are rich and have kids don't always know how to say no to their kids and that is where the problems start.
  3. Shortie

    Kids and Finances?

    I have four kids and I would not say that I am financially ruined because of my kids, anyone who thinks that way had their kids for the wrong reasons. With the cost of living and inflation being as high as it has been, it hasn't been easy for anyone but to say you are financially ruined and...
  4. Shortie

    Time to heal after a Break-up?

    It depends on the length of the relationship, why we split up and how much that person meant to be as to how long it can take me to get over a break-up. After past breakups, I have found that I got over them within a few weeks, sometimes within a few days.
  5. Shortie

    Love is superficial, boring and overrated?

    It's not uncommon for someone to find love superficial and boring, some people either have no interest in love or they just have not found the right person. I have been able to find the right person and because of that, I don't find love to be boring or superficial. Everyone is different though.
  6. Shortie

    Being hit on by a much much older Person?

    When I was younger, I used to have men in the early to late 20s who would try to hit on me, I would always politely tell them I wasn't interested and walk away. Some can be a little too much though and that is when you have to be careful. Luckily I have not had anyone hit on me and not take no...
  7. Shortie

    Secret Admirers, anyone?

    It's not uncommon to have a secret admirer, most of us will have one and not even realize that we have one. Most tend to keep it to themselves whilst others tend to be a little more open about it. I am fine with having a secret admirer as long as they don't do anything that would make things...
  8. Shortie

    Asking for Sex and a Kiss?

    It is not right for men to do this just as much as it wouldn't be nice for women to do it to men either. It's not only awkward but it's not a good look either. I always refuse anything from someone who offers to buy me something but wants something like that in return.
  9. Shortie

    Insominia and Depression?

    I have had cases where I have struggled to sleep and stayed up all night and it has caused me to feel depressed. Insomnia is no fun and it's awful to go through, I can never stand when people say they would love to have insomnia without actually knowing how it can affect you mentally.
  10. Shortie

    Depression and Appetite?

    Whenever I am feeling depressed, I always find that my appetite is not where it should be and I can sometimes go days with only eating little bits when I feel like I need to. I hate when I get like that as I know it's not good for me or my body but sometimes depression just leaves you feeling...
  11. Shortie

    Bullying and Depression?

    I used to get bullied at school a lot. I remember there were different reasons why I would get bullied. Some bullied me for being short, some bullied me for being shy and some bullied me for having blonde hair. I feel the bullying is why I am the way I am today with social anxiety.
  12. Shortie

    Will finding out you're HIV positive make you depressed?

    Finding out I was HIV positive would very much so make me depressed. I am not sure just how it would make me feel or what thoughts I would have but something like that would not be easy to hear and handle.
  13. Shortie

    Have you read any suicide note lately?

    I have not read a suicide note lately but I did find out about a friend of my daughter who wrote suicide notes for my daughter, her mum, her sister and he nephew back last year when things took a turn, that was not easy to hear about.
  14. Shortie

    How do most depressed people commit suicide?

    Where I live, the people who have either attempted to take their life or have taken their life unfortunately have been stepping in the way of a train as it has come through fast. It is very easy to get onto the tracks near where I live and most people who feel they can't handle it anymore see...
  15. Shortie

    Toxic and/or abusive People/Relationships and Depression?

    I was in a mentally abusive relationship for around 11 years before I finally managed to get out of the situation with my kids. I always felt like I had no way out, like no one would believe me or like it was in my head because that is what he would tell me. It took for someone to tell me I...
  16. Shortie

    Being Human sucks!

    I have felt like this on a few occasions, sometimes wondering how my life would be if I could be something other than human, maybe a cat instead. When you are feeling like this, the main thing to remember is you are not alone and you should always try to reach out to those who will listen to...
  17. Shortie

    Humans are complicated!

    Humans can be complicated but I feel that is normal. I myself hate to interact with others I don't know as my anxiety tends to flare up and I feel awkward, sometimes I can never tell how someone is as a person which can make things complicated. I would much rather interact with others online...
  18. Shortie

    Talking is boring, useless and unnecessary!

    I suffer from social anxiety and being able to talk to people face to face, in person is something I struggle with a lot. I have found that I can talk and interact with others as long as it is done in texting such as on forums, in DMs and such. I always feel awkward when someone tries to have...
  19. Shortie

    What is Love?

    When I think of love, I see it as two people who care for one another and have a strong feeling of attachment and affection for each other. Depending on the kind of person you are, you could look at love in different ways and that is not wrong, that is normal as love means something different...
  20. Shortie

    Asking someone out?

    I was always the nervous one who always tried to avoid asking someone out because I was afraid of being turned down and made to feel like I was stupid I guess. A lot of the time, I always waited until others asked me out, in some cases it was the same person I wanted to ask out but could never...