Unwanted Kisses, anyone?


First things first, no one could touch or kiss you without your expressed consent or permission. Consent or permission is freely given and not coerced or asked or bribed into. For example, I've had an elderly man married with great-grandkids (80+ years old), asking me for a kiss, after he's paid for my coffee when I've thought of him as a friend. Been kissed 3 times by elderly (at least 70-80 years old and up, married with great-grandkids or not) unwilling and forcefully, being sex-repulsed and touch-negative, it's just exchange germs and saliva for me personally at least anyways. I've tried pushing them away, but it usually doesn't work, so I've just waited until they're done with me to remove myself from the situation.
I can't allow every random guy to kiss me. If I want kiss from a guy, I will first like or love you. I will make sure we have the same vibes before I do that. It can be disgusting to be exchanging saliva with every guy or girl.
It's not possible for any random person who's a total stranger to kiss me. I don't be in so much proximity with anyone who I'm not familiar with. If I'm in their personal space, they can't kiss me.