Is enough being done about cyber bullying?


Cyberbullying has always been quite bad and has always been around, at one point there were no laws about cyberbullying which meant so many got away with bullying online no matter how much it affected the victim.

Nowadays cyberbullying of any kind is taken seriously and those who cyberbully in any way can be arrested and even charged.

Even though there are laws around cyber bullying now, it still hasn't fully eliminated bullying online with bullying still being quite high online.

Is enough being done about cyber bullying? Could more be done?
No, not nearly enough is being done about cyber bullying. The max they do is suspend the bullies account which doesn't stop them from creating another account and start where they left off. There should be jail time and fine added to punishment for cyber bullying in my opinion.
Cyber bullying will always continue to exist, all the more so as we advance more in the digital age. As long as we have the internet, we will always have cyber bullying. Little to nothing can be done about it.
Cyber bullying can never stop and enough hasn't been done to stop it. The only thing there is this; in as much as people are learning how to stop the cyber bullying, the same way some people are also putting more effort on cyber bullying.
I don’t think it can ever be curtailed. As long as we have the internet and social media then cyber bullying will always exist. What we can do is to teach ourselves not to respond when we face it online. It is the reaction that fuels the bullying, starve them and they will flee.
A valid point you get there. Cyber bullying will never end or go into extinction rather it will be growing more every day because social media and internet are there to fuel it. The easiest way to curtail it is to be cyber aware and cautious about whatever we see online.
Honestly, I don't think that enough is being done about cyberbullying because you would still go to social media platforms like Twitter/X and you will see where a lot of people are bullying so many others without having their account suspended.
Honestly, I don't think that enough is being done about cyberbullying because you would still go to social media platforms like Twitter/X and you will see where a lot of people are bullying so many others without having their account suspended.
To them, those trolling isn't bullying at them. The way they bully people in Twitter, sometimes I wonder if they are really coming from a home at all.
Cyber bullying will continue to exist as long as people think they can say anything online and get away with it. Funny enough most of them are people with very low self-esteem, so they try to make themselves feel better by bringing people down online.