Do you think depression ever goes away?


Staff member
This question has been rather controversial. Many believe that depression never really goes away, it is just controlled and suppressed.
Others argue that it can go away totally.

What do you think? Does depression ever go away?
Yes I absolutely believe that with the right therapy and proper companionship, depression can go away. It would look like it wasn't even there in tte first place.
Yes I absolutely believe that with the right therapy and proper companionship, depression can go away. It would look like it wasn't even there in tte first place.
The right companionship and therapy, you made a good point. It’s just that there are many that have done this and still do not see much improvement. That is why many doubt the fact that it can go away completely.
It doesn't go away easily. It takes time. It's like treating someone from madness. It's not a health challenge which goes over a short period of time but with the right treatment and therapy, it's possible to go 100%.
The right companionship and therapy, you made a good point. It’s just that there are many that have done this and still do not see much improvement. That is why many doubt the fact that it can go away completely.
Well it might not work for everyone, but surely the majority can testify to it. Aside those two, what else can be done?
Well it might not work for everyone, but surely the majority can testify to it. Aside those two, what else can be done?
It is better to also do away with any belonging or activity that might trigger the feeling. If the trigger is managed that is a step towards the eradication of it.
It depends on what is causing someone depression because I believe that when that thing have completely been tackled, the depression is supposed to go permanently without any trace left.
It is better to also do away with any belonging or activity that might trigger the feeling. If the trigger is managed that is a step towards the eradication of it.
I dont think this is a good idea. What if everything you have at home triggers the feeling, do you empty your house in that case? What is more important is to learn how to cope, regardless of the trigger.
There is a saying that even after curing someone who is mad, it is going to be very difficult for you to cure that person of murmuring. This is the reason why I think that depression can never be able to be eliminated 100% from anyone who have been affected by it especially for a long time.
I dont think this is a good idea. What if everything you have at home triggers the feeling, do you empty your house in that case? What is more important is to learn how to cope, regardless of the trigger.
Professionals will tell you to do away with major triggers. There are some things you see and they will always remind you of the feeling. At least until you are okay you should do away with such things.
Depression can go away but it will take lots of time. Depression isn't like fever that one can treat and be well again. The right therapy and medication will help but not completely.
Depression can go away but it will take lots of time. Depression isn't like fever that one can treat and be well again. The right therapy and medication will help but not completely.
Well if it goes away even after some time then it is worth it. At least at the end one can actually say that they are free of that horrible state of mind.
I haven't seen who recovered 100% from depression. I've seen those who got better but all traces of depression wasn't gone completely. They only became better at managing they depression.