Have being in debt caused you depression?


Finding yourself in a very serious debt can affect you physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically. This is why it's very easy for someone with so much debt he or she doesn't have a way of paying off might fall into depression.

Have being in big debt caused you depression?
I would be lying if I said that debt had never caused me depression. I have been in debt before and it's not something I would ever want to get back into. I became pretty down and depressed during it and felt like I was drowning.
I have been depressed when I was owing some debts. Not only the debts, I was a student also and because there's no money to pay up both school fees and other things, I became so depressed. It's a phase we will always be grateful.
As someone who has once fallen into serious debt, I'd say that it is very possible for someone to fall into depression because of debts. I almost did. It took serious mental discipline for me to overcome it.
I have always been the frugal type, I don’t like having debts at all. So I don’t think I will ever be depressed as a result of my debts. Maybe a different reason, but not bills unpaid or money owed.
Debts can really have its toll on you emotionally. You find it hard to focus on what you, especially if the people you owe are on your neck. My advice is that you should avoid debts as much as you can.
Debts can leave you feeling behind in life, especially if it’s not a small one. You spend most of your time thinking of how you will be free from the shackles, and this can be depressing really.
I have always been the frugal type, I don’t like having debts at all. So I don’t think I will ever be depressed as a result of my debts. Maybe a different reason, but not bills unpaid or money owed.
That's a great mindset there. Some people are too stoned to care about how much they owe or people they owe, thinking about that is giving them the depression spirit which won't give them the energy to work and pay off.