Gaming and Depression?


I firmly believe that gaming or any other hobby and/interest can heal you from depression. When feeling depressed, I game to come with it. And you personally? What do you think of it in your book?
Yes, I believe that playing video games can help someone heal from depression. But it's something that can work only temporarily. You need to get a firm treatment for depression.
I firmly believe that gaming or any other hobby and/interest can heal you from depression. When feeling depressed, I game to come with it. And you personally? What do you think of it in your book?
It doesn't work like that from my experience. It all depends on what's making you depressed. If it's something video games can take care of, it's going to work. Imagine getting raped by your 2 male cousins, how will playing video games heal you from that damage?
Video Games help me a lot anytime I am feeling down and needs an activity to make me feel a lot more better.

I play a variety of video games from survival horror, adventure , action and sports video games like soccer.
Gaming helped me to ward off things that being sadness and pains to me. Whenever I am depressed, I always go for my games and I won't stop till I feel better. The only disadvantage that made me to stop gaming is that I started being addicted.
Playing games can actually help you cope with depression. But at the same time one has to exercise caution so as not to be addicted.