Do you use Screen Guard?


My smartphone screen is very expensive. If you have Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, you will know very well. It's why I can't use my phone without having a full glue 5D screen guard protecting its screen. It's the more important phone accessory to me.
The reason why I will always make use of screen guard protector is because it will always prevent my phone screen from scratching and also prevented from breaking when it falls on the floor.
Yes, I make use of screen guard. It's very important because it helps to protect my smartphone screen from immediate damage should it fall.
I just bought a new screen guard just on Wednesday. I hav been using my phone without phone pouch and screen guard and because I don't want the phone to have any fault, I went and put the screen guard to protect the screen.
I have never used a phone that has no screen guard. Even though my phones don’t usually call down, I don’t like taking risks. It is better to be safe than to be sorry.
Its better to be safe than to be sorry, I get it 😂. I'm not a careless person and that was the main reason I was feeling reluctant to put the screen guard. And the phone didn't have a scratch till I put the screen guard.