How often do you listen to music?


Music is something I love to listen to daily. I find listening to music not only motivates me but also helps my mood as well as that is always needed daily.

There is never a day I go by that I do not listen to music in some way.

How often do you listen to music?
I listen to music all the time. I make sure that I charge my headphone and phone whenever there's light. I love taking a walk in the evening when I am back from work. Music helps my mood, creates good vibes for me and makes my walking to be easier.
Virtually all the time and every activity I engage in. Whether I am working, playing, in transit and doing anything else I am always with my AirPod.
Airpod, earpiece and headphones are the easiest everybody can have in possession unless the person is not a music type. I always go everywhere with my headphone because if I have the chance to be alone, I'm already playing music.