Zuby's latest activity

  • Zuby
    Zuby replied to the thread Friends with Benefits?.
    I don't mind having a friend's with benefits arrangement with a girl I like but not interested in having a serious relationship with...
  • Zuby
    Never displease yourself to please another person. You definitely did the right thing for yourself. If you had stayed in that type of...
  • Zuby
    Zuby replied to the thread Thoughts on Cheaters?.
    I am the kind of person that is very strict when it comes to being a relationship. This is the reason why I don't forgive cheating. The...
  • Zuby
    There is no way I would even start relationship with someone with narcissistics personality because I will find out immediately before...
  • Zuby
    Zuby replied to the thread Relationships, what for?.
    Relationship is a very good thing if you can find the right partner for yourself who will care and tolerate you and also help you to get...
  • Zuby
    Zuby replied to the thread Sexual Harassment, anyone?.
    Sexual harassment is a punishable crime by law and I believe that if someone sexually harassed you, you should make sure that the...
  • Zuby
    I hope that those who are usually assuming a relationship status with someone will know how damaging that can be for them especially...
  • Zuby
    Zuby replied to the thread Why can't People take Rejections?.
    I believe that you did the right thing and I hope that the guy is going to be sanctioned for what he's doing because it is not right. I...
  • Zuby
    Zuby replied to the thread What if a spouse is depressed?.
    There are some depression which would need professional help to treat. It's not something random that you can do for your partner alone...
  • Zuby
    Zuby replied to the thread Do you feel like no one cares?.
    This is why I don't like depending on others all the time because they can disappoint you when you least expect it. It's in the nature...