Recent content by Shortie

  1. Shortie

    Have you found medications helpful, or do you rely more on therapy?

    When it comes to depression and not feeling yourself, medication and therapy are the two things that tend to get prescribed depending on each individual. For some, medication works and for others, they prefer therapy but some tend to use both if that is needed. Which one have you found has...
  2. Shortie

    Are there specific self-care habits that help lift your mood?

    Depression can happen to all of us, some of us get slight depression and others tend to get depression pretty badly. Self-care is often advised to help with depression but this is not always going to help everyone. If you regularly participate in self-care routines, are there any specific...
  3. Shortie

    Is enough being done about cyber bullying?

    Cyberbullying has always been quite bad and has always been around, at one point there were no laws about cyberbullying which meant so many got away with bullying online no matter how much it affected the victim. Nowadays cyberbullying of any kind is taken seriously and those who cyberbully in...
  4. Shortie

    Is there enough awareness in schools for mental health among children and teenagers?

    Mental health is something that gets taken a lot more seriously than it used to and schools seem to understand and take mental health a lot more seriously than I ever remember when I was in school. Even though mental health is taken more seriously, there is still a lot of concern that there is...
  5. Shortie

    How social media influences self-esteem, body image, and peer pressure among teens.

    Social media has become popular over the years with many now using it daily and over the course of very many hours per day. Social media also has a lot of influencers that youngsters, especially teens tend to look up to and in some cases, these influencers tend to influence their body image...
  6. Shortie

    Bereavement - A Major Trigger

    Bereavement is always a difficult thing to handle, especially if it hits you quite hard when you lose someone close to you. We all have different ways of dealing with losing someone we love or who we are close to and therefore what works for someone may not work for everyone. I would advise...
  7. Shortie

    Faith Healing Helps

    I am always hearing about faith healing but it is not something I have done myself due to not being religious in any way. Those who are religious and have tried this method, have a lot of great things to say about it and high praise for it. Would be great to hear from those who have...
  8. Shortie

    Stressful Jobs, anyone?

    Some jobs can be quite stressful and when your boss doesn't always see that or understand that, it can make the situation worse. Always remember that your physical and mental health should always come first and if you find a job affecting that badly, it is usually wise to walk away.
  9. Shortie

    Ever Been Suicidal?

    I have in the past been suicidal but only once did it become really bad. I was in a mentally abusive relationship for over 10 years, felt like I couldn't get out and it got to the point where I though the only way out was suicide. When I felt that way, I knew I had to say something and it was...
  10. Shortie

    Academic Depression, Anyone?

    I can't say that I have ever felt depressed when I have failed a course but I do remember feeling quite depressed after I failed to pass my driving test quite a while ago. I knew why I failed and it just made me that much more frustrated when I failed.
  11. Shortie

    Does music help you feel better?

    I am a huge music lover and I have always found that music has helped me greatly when I have been down or felt depressed. Music is great if you are looking for that lift me-up or even motivation when you feel like you can't keep going.
  12. Shortie

    Is anyone Asexual?

    I have heard of asexuals but I can't say I have met anyone who is. I am not asexual, I am someone who enjoys being in a romantic and physical relationship but I can understand why some people may not.
  13. Shortie

    Social Media Infused Depression In Relationship

    Social media used to be a great place to be and a place where you could share things with family and friends but it slowly turned into a place many no longer want to be. I have known social media to affect relationships as well as families too, there is so much drama on social media that...
  14. Shortie

    Have being in debt caused you depression?

    I would be lying if I said that debt had never caused me depression. I have been in debt before and it's not something I would ever want to get back into. I became pretty down and depressed during it and felt like I was drowning.
  15. Shortie

    Why can't People take Rejections?

    Some people feel like they can get what they want and when they are rejected, they tend to get upset and in some cases even angry about it and take it out on the person who rejected them. Glad you reported this person though as LinkedIn is no place for things like this.