Sara's latest activity

  • Sara
    They know that's the truth but it's hard for them to believe it. Drinking can never solve quarter percent of our troubles rather it will...
  • Sara
    Depression can go away but it will take lots of time. Depression isn't like fever that one can treat and be well again. The right...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread Possession and Depression?.
    It's a disorder not their fault. They might feel that nobody will accept them the way they are. Their mindset is that it's not easy to...
  • Sara
    It's very important to have a supportive partner. In such situations, the partner can stand for them until the family is there. I am...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread Marriage and Kids?.
    That's why it's good to have a partner who is supportive especially during this period. When your partner see how you are struggling...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread What if a spouse is depressed?.
    I think before it reaches the stage of professional help, there have been traits of it when it starts initially. I think our spouse need...
  • Sara
    I did this thing to one of my friend that thought we were dating. When I relocated, he was trying to tell me about marriage but from my...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread Why can't People take Rejections?.
    Will they have that mind that someone else wants them? They always have shallow mind that can't allow them think beyond that rejection...
  • Sara
    People are going through a lot and I am pitying them as well. I am never taken for granted any pain that someone told me. I always try...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread Anxiety.
    You understand it so well. Some people will see it as nothing. Someone I know was very anxious to present a project in her working...
  • Sara
    We created an awareness tagged "Talk before you die" and it was a program that last for some time. Our heads in school invited people...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread Does music help you feel better?.
    I'm saying this out of experience. I can't go a day without playing music, I even make sure that I have the necessary items to play my...
  • Sara
    To them, those trolling isn't bullying at them. The way they bully people in Twitter, sometimes I wonder if they are really coming from...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread Stressful Jobs, anyone?.
    That's true. Some works are just for the money and not because we love the work. I pray everyone find works that can give them rest of mind.
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread Suicide Ideation, anyone?.
    How I wish that they think about the emotional trauma that family will go through before they proceeds with it. I just pray that they...