It is your decision to remain single and there is nothing wrong with it, and so is other people's decision to remain in a relationship.
The most important thing is for you to find the right partner for yourself who will love you without any question.
It is your duty to support your partner who is suffering from depression because no other person is going to do it for you. The only people who can help out are your partner's family members.
I haven't been in a relationship with someone who is very rich. I think most time they are usually disrespectful because of the kind of money they have. They believe the money makes them have the right to do anything they want.
It is a shame that you cannot see yourself loving someone because you know that they will definitely want to have sexual intercourse with you. Since it is not something you want, there is no need for you to be in a relationship.
You should never allow yourself to be in a toxic relationship with anyone. It is not good for your health mentally and physically. It is something that is quite capable of draining you all the energy that you have.
It is not advisable for you to be telling everyone that you are suffering from depression. A lot of people don't have your best interest at heart. It is only those that you are very close to that understands your predicament that you should tell about what is going on with you.
You should try as much as possible to stop being possessive and jealous because it is a habit that is going to destroy a lot of things for you especially when you're in a relationship with someone.
You're beautiful and there's nothing wrong with that. Some people are very silly and goofy too. It's why they behave like that towards someone they hardly know.
Those girls are partly to be blamed for letting this happen. I'm not supporting those horrible guys but they had the room to do such to those girls who allowed them to.
Age doesn't have anything to do with someone who's going to have feelings for you. That someone is 20 years or more isn't enough reason why they shouldn't have feelings for you and want you. It's all about what you want.
Some men can be very stupid with the way they act after being rejected. It's why some of them spy and stalk someone who said no to them. It's a very crazy thing to do being a creep.
No, I'm not financially ruined because of my kids. I had a family plan which I stick with. This have made it possible for me to take care of my family without having to face difficult challenges.
I love kids! I was a kid once and I would have been so devastated to have myself being hated by persons who are close to me or strangers. I can't find any reason why I have to hate on any kids.
True. Motherhood is not for everyone. It's why I don't blame those who decide to stay child free because they are well aware of not being capable of taking care of any kid. It's better they don't bring in anyone in the world they can't care for 100%.
It's very important to train your kids well so they can understand somethings. Telling them about your mental health will rock them if they don't understand it but they do need to know.