Recent content by Asaba

  1. Asaba

    Others and I?

    The thing is that the same way you treat people is the same way they are going to treat you. This is why I have respect for those who respect me. Those who doesn't respect me, get all my scorn. This is how I take life and it's worked for me very well.
  2. Asaba

    Abusive Relationships, anyone?

    I've never been in an abusive relationship. I can never be in an abusive relationship because it's going to screw with my peace of mind. I can't abuse whom I'm in the same relationship with and I won't take being abused in my own relationship.
  3. Asaba

    Meditation and Depression

    It depends on the kind of depression somebody is passing through. I have been depressed once and meditation never help me one bit. It was a complete waste of time.
  4. Asaba

    Today, for Self-care…

    What I have done for myself today is getting a good sleep last night. I wasn't in a hurry to get out of bed. When I finally got out, I brushed and went to the gym. Working out is good for one's health.
  5. Asaba

    Is anyone Aro-Ace?

    I feel that one of the reason why some people hate having anything to do with sex and romance is if they have been abused at one point in their lives. It makes them to have a serious turn off when it comes to sex.
  6. Asaba

    Is anyone Trans?

    I'm not a Trans and I can never be one because I'm very comfortable with my sex as a man. God created me well and blessed me abundantly down there with my manhood. I'm very satisfied with how manly I am. I can never give it up for anything.
  7. Asaba

    Have you read any suicide note lately?

    It must have been a heartbreaking experience for you when you're reading your friend's suicide note. I hope to never have to experience that because it's going to leave me broken up for a long time. Depression is wicked and sad.
  8. Asaba

    Ever been cat-called?

    Why do girls or ladies get more sexually abused than men? It's like man are built more to be abusers than the abused. I'm still waiting for the first lady that's going to do me the honors and she would see how I'm going to deal with her.
  9. Asaba

    Aunt has passed from Breast Cancer!

    Cancer is a killer. I'm so sorry for your loss. All I can say is for you to take care and take heart. It's hard dealing with the death of a family member.
  10. Asaba

    Has any Celebrity ever fallen in Love with you?

    I don't have any close relationship with any celebrity. This makes it practically impossible for any of them to fall in love with me. They don't socialise with people online freely.
  11. Asaba

    Is Anyone Bipolar?

    I used to suffer from bipolar disorder and it was a very challenging time in my life. It took about 7 years of great effort and medication before I was able to get better. I won't wish anyone to pass through what I did.
  12. Asaba

    Thoughts on Transgenders?

    Trans is a very sensitive topic in the world today. To be very honest with you, I don't really understand them one bit but hey, I'm not going to get involved with how they want to live their lives.
  13. Asaba

    Rich spoiled Brats!

    Most rich parents don't put more effort into training their kids well. It's why we have so many of them that are spoilt brats without any good manners out there.
  14. Asaba

    Toxic and/or abusive People/Relationships and Depression?

    I have seen where the unfortunate people get injured or even killed in a toxic relationship. What would make someone stay in a relationship they are not safe in?
  15. Asaba

    Working with depression

    It's very difficult for you to have depression and still give your 100% at your workplace every day in and out. A friend of mine had to inform the manager last week about his depression and the company granted him 2 months leave to get treatment.